Head Junior Varsity Coach
Roc Coleman
Coach Roc is beginning his 22nd year with the East Coweta Baseball program. He currently teaches Physical Education at Jefferson Parkway Elementary and also coaches football at Northgate High School.
Upon graduating from Frisco City High School in 1997, Coach Roc attended Jacksonville State University and was a 2 year letterman for the Gamecocks. After his career ended because of injuries, he became a student coach his final 2 years. Coach Roc earned a Bachelors, Masters and Specialist Degree in Physical Education
from JSU.
Coach Roc is a native of Frisco City, Alabama where attended Frisco City High School. During his time there he was a standout baseball/football player. Coach Roc is married to, former Ricki Wynn. The couple have two children. Maya 17 and Mason 15.